Replacement Windows in Warminster PA Farm House
We had the privilege to put some replacement windows into a 70 year old stone Cape Cod in Willowgrove PA.
Before Replacement Windows in Willow Grove
New Replacement Windows in Willow Grove PA
About the Willow Grove Replacement Windows
The walls of the stone home were around 12″ thick. As happens when working with older homes, adjustments needed to made for the thickness of the walls. That being said, the exterior of the house looks great. Due to the thickness of the walls, we needed to order some custom molding for the interior. We will be going back and finishing up the trim inside, and will add some pics of the interior when we finish.
The replacement windows we used were double hung ProFinish Brickmould 600 Windows from Simonton. We used these windows because the moulding on the Simonton windows so closely matched the moulding of the old windows.
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We had the privilege to put some replacement windows into a 70 year old stone Cape Cod in Willowgrove PA.
Before Replacement Windows in Willow Grove
New Replacement Windows in Willow Grove PA
About the Willow Grove Replacement Windows
The walls of the stone home were around 12″ thick. As happens when working with older homes, adjustments needed to made for the thickness of the walls. That being said, the exterior of the house looks great. Due to the thickness of the walls, we needed to order some custom molding for the interior. We will be going back and finishing up the trim inside, and will add some pics of the interior when we finish.
The replacement windows we used were double hung ProFinish Brickmould 600 Windows from Simonton. We used these windows because the moulding on the Simonton windows so closely matched the moulding of the old windows.
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